Friday, August 17, 2007

In the beginning....

I started this blog as a result of attending a workshop run by Robyn Jay who is the Manager of the NSW LearnScope project. She showed the group how to use wikis, podcasts, blogs, Flickr and RSS feeds to build social networks. I'd done some initial research several years ago about 'what' podcasts, wikis and blogs were and how they could be used in school settings but lack of time was the usual demon.

We talked about developing an online identity and about how so many of our students are connected to their school friends and a whole world of people they've never 'met' in person through the Internet.

Check out this movie.
"Since most of today's students can appropriately be labeled as "Digital Learners", why do so many teachers refuse to enter the digital age with their teaching practices?
This presentation was created in an effort to motivate teachers to more effectively use technology in their teaching."

Robyn emphasised that creating a blog or a wiki was great but that we need to link all our online identities together and use RSS so that we build a network of connections between our online presences and between those people we're connected to.

So that's what I am on the beginning road to doing.
As with all teachers in schools, the tyranny of time will tell.

My aim with this blog is to build a professionial learning community - those who're interested in using learning objects, digital social networking tools such as wikis, blogs, etc. and ICT in general.

So to get the conversation going...
What thoughts/ feelings did the movie elicit for you?
Are you already with it or did it inspire you to get with it?

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